Pranayama & Meditation Series
with Kacy
4 Week Series
Saturdays March 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th 1-2pm
Worth 6 CE through Yoga Alliance
How many times have you sat in a yoga class and wondered “How do I actually breathe
into my body?” or “How do I make that deep ocean sound?”
In western world yoga we often miss the more subtle pieces of yogic practices... that’s
where Kacy comes in.
Join advanced pranayama and Meditation instructor Kacy Harnedy for this four week
series that’ll teach you about breathing for vitality and equip you with focus practices to
connect you to your highest self as you flow into meditation.
Over the course of 4 sessions, you will gain the knowledge and understanding you need
to find the pranayama & focus techniques best suited for you, exactly where you are in
this moment.
You’ll also be introduced to a variety additional practices, available for when you feel
ready to incorporate them.
You can expect to learn about various pranayama practices for relieving anxiety,
depression, increasing life force and finding harmony within. Exploration into focus
practices will be unique and catered to your needs.
Enhance your practice, and your life, through your breath alone. Join us!

Journey to All Levels/Beginners Series Part 2
with SarahK
4 Week Series 3/2/2025 - 3/23/2025
From: 12:15 pm - 1:30 pm
Yoga On York In Studio
Cost: $150 series $50 drop in
Journey to All Levels
This four week Journey to All Level’s series is designed to break down some of the more intermediate poses including but not limited to backbends, twists, hip openers and building stamina.
This workshop series is designed to be a continuation of the Beginner Series but is appropriate for all students who have the foundational poses down and want to build up to an All Levels practice.
Week 1: Twists
Week 2: Shoulders/Sidebends
Week 3: Backbends
Week 4: Hips

Yin & Thai Massage with
March14th 6:00 pm
In Studio
Dive into a two-hour workshop with Kacy and Megan.
Kacy will guide you into deeply healing yin postures as Megan makes her way around and spends quality time with each practitioner helping to deepen their pose with Thai massage adjustments.

Transition to Spring With The Three Sister Sciences
with Lisa
Sunday March 23rd
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
In Studio
In this workshop, you will experience the shift from winter to spring through the lens of Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda
and Yoga. Lisa will guide you through an Ayurvedic Yoga Practice designed to cleanse, revitalize and balance both
mind and body. Utilizing her knowledge of Ayurveda and the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, Lisa will focus most on clearing out the accumulation of Kapha. Kapha is the Ayurvedic Constitution that is predominant at the end of winter, beginning of spring. Picture mud season in New England, gooey, sticky earth under your feet. This stickiness is not only outside, it also presents in our body and our mind. Through Ayurvedic yoga and a better understanding of the sky above, Vedic Astrology, you will leave this workshop with clarity in mind, renewal in spirit and balance in body.