Herbal Consultations
& AyurVedic Offerings
The teachers of Yoga On York have many talents and services beyond the mat. Kacy and Lisa both offer wellness in a manner consistent with a Yoga life.
Herbal Consultations
Plant Medicine with Kacy
Click Here to set up an appointment
Kacy is a professional Herbalist with her own brand "Wild Remedies".
An herbal consultation is an opportunity to sit down in a relaxed and supportive environment and have an in-depth conversation about your health concerns. Herbalism is a holistic practice where we use tools and practices to assess the health and wellness of your entire being.
During a consultation we’ll discuss much more than just the herbs themselves. We’ll explore food as medicine and ways to nourish and support you through your meals. We’ll talk about what shifts can be made in your life and identify where your edges are in terms of what might be holding you back from healing. These same edges are fertile ground for healing and we’ll think about how we can work with them as a force for positive change.
No consultation is complete without discussing the herbs most suited for you, your personal constitution, and condition- your herbal allies.
You will receive your own personalized herbal formula (often a tea, tincture and/or flower essence), an in-depth write-up of your recommendations (herbs, lifestyle and supplement suggestions, as well as nutritional guidance), and ongoing email support.
A follow-up visit 4-6 weeks after the initial consult is strongly recommended, and I advise that we work together on your health over a period of 3-6 months for optimal results. Please supply any records of blood and lab work 3-5 days prior to our visit.

Ayurvedic Offerings
Consultations with Lisa
Click here to set up an appointment
Lisa is a trained AyurVedic practitioner through the National AyurVedic Medical Association. Lisa's brand "Find Your Balance ME" Offers one on one sessions, both in person and on zoom. Discover your unique Ayurvedic constitution while also getting in touch with current imbalances After detailed discussion on present concerns, successes, dietary habits, lifestyle, and daily routine are discussed, specific Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations will be outlined that will enhance your relationship to your particular constitution, your relationships and your environment. Initial sessions 75 minutes, follow up sessions are encouraged.